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Навигатор и видеорегистратор в одном: Доступ ограничен: проблема с IP


Навигатор и видеорегистратор – 2 в 1

Nuvicam – универсальный проводник в сложных дорожных развязках и узких городских улочках. Бесплатно и регулярно обновляемые карты, подсказки по преодолению сложных развязок, огромная база точек интереса и предупреждения о камерах помогут вам комфортно и безопасно передвигаться по мегаполису. Детально рассмотреть маршрут или конкретные точки на карте вам позволит 6-дюймовый стеклянный дисплей, поддерживающий разрешение 800×480 пикселей и мультитач.

Являясь одним из самых совершенных автомобильных навигаторов Garminна сегодняшний день, модель nüviCam предлагает новейшие функции предупреждения водителя, которые обычно используются только в самых дорогих автомобилях. Так, например, навигатор сможет заранее предупреждать Вас о выходе из полосы движения или об опасном сближении с идущим впереди автомобилем.

Интегрированный видеорегистратор, в свою очередь, ведет постоянную запись и с помощью датчика-акселерометра автоматически сохранять файлы в случае столкновения. При помощи GPS-приемника также записываются координаты и время событий. А поворотный объектив устройства позволяет настроить угол камеры индивидуально, для лучшей записи с ветрового стекла или приборной панели.

Встроенный аккумулятор обеспечивает независимую работу регистратора и навигатора в течение 30 минут.

На последних метрах навигации nuviCamвыводит комбинированное изображение с камеры видеорегистратора, наглядно показывающее место прибытия.

Функция «Навиком трафик», поможет сократить время, потерянное в пробках. Автомобильные карты остаются на экране постоянно, а сбоку показана информация о транспортных заторах (ожидаемое количество минут задержки, наличие объездных маршрутов и т.д.). Информация о трафике обновляется постоянно и поступает по радиоканалу. Для получения информации о пробках не нужно ни сим-карты ни мобильного трафика.

NuviCam LMT можно полностью управлять голосом, не снимая рук с руля автомобиля. Произносите команды вслух, и устройство будет выполнять нужные действия. При этом ваши руки постоянно будут оставаться на руле для безопасности вождения.

Благодаря интерфейсу Bluetoothк nuviCamможно подключить смартфон и использовать навигатор в режиме hans-free, принимать и отклонять звонки, набирать абонентов из телефонной книжки можно также при помощи голосовых команд.

Smartphone Link – это бесплатное мобильное приложение, которое позволяет соединить nuviCam с совместимым смартфоном. После установки сопряжения навигатор сможет использовать мобильный интернет для быстрого получения данных о трафике.

На территории России nuviCam поставляется с предзагруженными дорожными картами России с регулярными бесплатными обновлениями. Для зарубежных поездок есть широкий спектр подробных карт практически любой страны мира.

И последнее новшество, которое делает пользование прибором комфортным и простым – активное магнитное крепление. Оно остается на лобовом стекле с подсоединенным к нему проводом питания. Для начала навигации и записи изображения, достаточно приложить навигатор к креплению, по окончании поездки навигатор также легко снимается и автоматически выключается.

Итак, 7 причин купить nuviCam:

Автонавигатор со встроенным видеорегистратором
Бесплатные данные о пробках на дорогах
Предупреждает о сближении с впереди идущим автомобилем, съезде на обочину или выезде на разделительную полосу
Фотореалистичный вид сложных развязок
Голосовое управление и подсказки
Удобный активный магнитный держатель
Функция Real Vision — наложение навигационных указателей на реальное видеоизображение

GPS навигатор с видеорегистратором Coyote 926 DVR Hurricane PRO RAM 1 Gb ROM 16 Gb с камерой заднего вида и MicroSD 32 Gb

Автомобильный GPS-навигатор с видеорегистратором COYOTE 926 DVR Hurricane PRO. Устройство может быть установлено как на легковой, так и на грузовой автомобили. Работает под управлением популярной и стабильной ОС Android 6 Marshmellow.

GPS навигатор видеорегистратор COYOTE 926 DVR Hurricane PRO отлично подойдет водителям которые не желают видеть на лобовом стекле множество устройств таких как навигаторы и видеорегистраторы, планешеты и телефоны. Это создает проблемы с комфортом и безопасностью. Премиальный COYOTE 926 DVR Hurricane PRO поможет решить данную проблему. В качественном корпусе прекрасно умещаются большой широкоформатный GPS навигатор и премиальный встроенный видеорегистратор с качеством записи FULL HD с физическим размером матрицы 5Мп.

В комплекте с навигатором поставляется камера заднего вида с подсветкой и парковочными линиями.

Камера заднего вида является устройством с высокой светочувствительностью и отличным разрешением картинки для камер заднего вида. Данная камера оснащена современной матрицей CCD (изображение лучше чем в устаревших матрицах CMOS). Формат видео сигнала NTSC — передаваемое изображение цветное с линиями для парковки. Установка производится в любое удобное место для водителя. Камера водонепроницаемая. Широкий угол обзора в 170 позволяет не упустить не одно препятствие при заднем ходе автомобиля. Высокое разрешение — 500х582 пикселя выдает хорошую и разборчивую картинку на монитор GPS навигатора.

Присутствие Wifi и полноценных интернет браузеров предоставит возможность поиска информации, чтения новостей или просмотра YouTube прямо Вашем в автомобиле.

В навигаторе COYOTE 926 DVR Hurricane PRO установлены программы навигации с картами Украины. Программы специально создана как для легковых авто так и для больше габаритных автомобилей (фуры, Tir). В настройках программы водитель при выборе грузового транспорта выставляет габариты автотранспорта: ширина, высота, вес, нагрузка на колесную ось, количество осей а так же тип груза (для опасных грузов). Программа при прокладке маршрута учитывает введенные параметры для просчета маршрута. Навигация осуществляется с учетом ограничений существующих на маршруте обеспечивая тем самым корректную проводку грузового транспорта по загруженным улицам всех городов Украины или Европы.

В навигаторе есть возможность контроля времени движения транспорта и учет времени отдыха водителя. Присутствуют зоны отдыха, заправки и стоянки для грузового автомобиля а так же парковки для легковых машин. Установлен полный пакет камер наблюдения за дорожной обстановкой и фиксации скорости в странах Евросоюза. Программа заблаговременно предупреждает о превышении скорости и наличии камер звуковыми сигналами и сообщением на экране навигатора видеорегистратора.

Регистратор пишет видео в стандарте FullHD с разрешением 1920х1080. Каждые 1, 2 или 3 минуты начинается запись нового видеоролика (выбор длительности видеофайла указывается в меню «Время Видео»). Запись производится циклически (по кругу). После полного заполнения объема памяти на карте MicroSD, навигатор в автоматическом режиме удаляет уже записанные видеоролики, начиная с самого первого(старого) записывая не его место новый файл. Процесс полностью автоматический и не требует вмешательства водителя. Запись можно вести как со звуком, так и без него.

3 в 1 для автомобилиста на Android Junsun H552C. Регистратор, навигатор, камера заднего вида.

Мультифункциональные устройства крепко засели в нашу жизнь и здОрово ее облегчают. Особенно, когда недостаточно места и необходимо сосредоточить все данные в одном месте. В обзоре речь пойдет о многофункциональном устройстве на платформе Android.

Бывают случаи, когда установка 2Din головного устройства невозможна по причинам дороговизны или отсутствия переходной 2DIn рамки, либо просто нежелания хозяина автомобиля кардинально вмешиваться в автоэлектрику автомобиля. Для этих случаев подойдет данный девайс. Он сочетает в себе некоторый набор основных устройств, которые необходимы современному автомобилисту и, при этом, абсолютно мобилен и не доставляет хлопот в установке и настройке.

Заказ был оформлен 9 января и посылка пришла курьером 26 января. Судя по надписям на конверте — из Швеции.

Открываем пакет, достаем достаточно увесистую коробку, которая отлично сгодится на подарок.

Фотографии: Упаковка

В комплекте:
— Регистратор
— Присоска на стекло
— Кабель зарядки с прикуривателя с Г-образным штеккером miniusb 5V 2. 5A
— Кабель синхронизации с компьютером miniusb
— Камера заднего вида с 4-мя белыми светодиодами
— Кабель для подключения камеры (5 метров)
— Кредл для установки на торпедо из резины.

Фотографии: Комплектация

Характеристики устройства:
— Экран 6,5 дюйма 1024*405
— Процессор 4 ядерный MTK MT8127
— Видеоускоритель Mali 450

— Android 4.4.2
— ОЗУ: 1Гб DDR3
— ПЗУ: 16 ГБ (из них доступно около 11 Гб)
— Разъем MicroSD до 32Гб
— Камера FullHD + VGA (задняя)
— Аккумулятор 30 мин.
— Акселерометр

Фотографии: Устройство

Включаем устройство. Загрузка 20 секунд и автоматически включается запись видеорегистратора.
При сворачивании запись не останавливается, можно пользоваться остальными функциями, навигатором, браузером, etc.

Фотографии: Интерфейс

В окне регистратора «картинка в картинке» выводится изображение с задней камеры.
При включении задней передачи картинка с задней камеры включается на весь экран и показывается вместе с полосами траектории движения.
(представлено в видеоролике)
Навигация представлена по-умолчанию ПО НАВИТЕЛ, карты свежие, 2 квартал 2016 года
Динамик громкий, четкий, голосовые команды услышать можно практически в любой ситуации
Для организации вещания звука из устройства на автоакустику предусмотрен FM- модулятор.
Опции позволяют настроить частоту вещания.
В комплекте поставки идет кредл для крепления на торпедо(резиновый с клейкой основой «а-ля коврик-липучка»), устройство входит туда с усилием, не болтается, можно при необходимости быстро снять и забрать с собой домой.

Фотографии: Кредл

Углы обзоры приемлимы. При экстремальных углах имеет место инверсия изображения, в повседневной жизни не напрягает.
Есть диктофон, имеется возможность оперативно записать разговор. (имеется отдельная кнопка для вызова приложения)
При установке стороннего лаунчера, левый ряд кнопок остается на месте.
Имеется wi-fi и bluetooth.
Был установлен Torque Pro для подключения к OBD ELM327 сканеру.

Видеообзор данного устройства представлен ниже:

Резюмируя, хочется выделить достоинства и недостатки модели:
— Цена
— Мобильность
— Многофункциональность
— Наличие встроенного аккумулятора
— Необходимость крепления на стекле или в кредле
— Нестандартное соотношение сторон дисплея
— Необходимость прокладки кабелей к устройству, их видимость.

Обзор получился поверхностным, устройство было спешно передано его новому хозяину.

Joying power antenna. The Factory camera in my truck needs 6V not 12, so i ordered AX-CAM6V and used the BLUE Antenna power wire from the Joying harness for power. 4 Car GPS Navigation For Toyota In: Rp6. 25″ of depth and . It has 8. Remove the 4 screws that secure the radio. 0 double din head units include 7 inch,8 inch and 10.

7″ Screen Android Head Unit Installation. For the TLDR folks, here’s the end product. Why can’t turn on the car radio ? 1. The yellow is a remote for the amps, the blue is for an electric aerial if it’s a joying as per the pic previously posted, you are way over thinking this, the joys of buying cheap android headunits Give me the Joying unit every time fitted it myself, plenty of guides and came with the correct loom for my car. Caveat: The factory amp expects a low W input, but most aftermarket units have a built in amp. Products. Powered by: https://www. com/https://www. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 Joying 10. Kenwood DNX996R – Best Kenwood In-Dash Navigation Head Unit. $49. Send Inquiry. 0 Car Radio 1din 8. 1 Car Radio GPS Multimedia Player stereo for Honda/ Nissan/Toyota head unit Support Mirror Link Jusere Sweetheart Neckline Lace up Back Long Prom Dress 2018 Beaded Evening Gowns Pink Straps Square Neckline Tea Length Open Low Back Beads Pattern Special Cutting Short Women Casual Dress Prom Gowns 2018 Sexy … Power antenna failure.
10. Seeking healing for every Catholic woman following God’s design for mind, body, and soul; using natural health care, home education, and the love In this video Jon shows you how to install a touchscreen head unit by Joying into your XJ. 7″ Android head unit into our 2020 base model 370Z. Enjoy Free … JOYING 7″ Android 8. 1 Lolipop system CPU: RK3188 1. 5) «ANT. 99 After it completely boots up, I hold the power button to shut it down. Shop Quality & Best Car Multimedia Player Directly From China Car Multimedia Player … (BIG DISCOUNT) US $58. 1″ Head Unit Multimedia Autoradio CarPlay GPS For Honda CRV 2017-2019 Аудио для авто From Vendor JOYING Factory Store. ·. 1» Android 10 head unit so I figured it should have its own thread. Stainless steel antenna pole (SPECIAL DISCOUNT) US $449. Please note that it only supports JOYING accessories; DAB+ digital radio adapter, DVR , OBDII scanner, reverse camera, TPMS and steering wheel controller are not included in the delivery contents, but can be ordered additionally via below links: Up to 2011, the antenna didn’t come with a standard Motorola plug, so Joying and Ownice provide the connector for those cases. This Miata was originally equipped as a PEP, or Popular Equipment Package, and includes cruise control, windblocker, power antenna, power rack and pinion with Nardi leather-wrapped steering wheel, and air conditioning. The radio puts out a signal that deploys and retracts the power antenna. Joying head units can’t support like below: iPod, original car GPS antenna, original car Bluetooth, original car USB, and original car Microphone. Those signals aren’t present at the radio plug since they were delivered to … 1 x GPS Antenna 1 x CANBUS 1 x CAM-VIN FAQ: 1. Its maximum power output comes out to 4 x 45 Watts, and it comes with an amplifier. Search over 20 million songs, discover, buy, sync and listen to music anywhere. 2,970 likes. #8 · Jul 1, 2018. 95. I purchased the JY-VOS01N4GS and absolutely love it. 7″ HU Install (~90% complete) Thought I would share my custom install of the Joying 9. Harga: Joying 7 Head Unit 2 Din Android 4. One is a nice used one that I got on Ebay for $170. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 JOYING Official Store has All Kinds of Central Multimidia 1 Din TV Digital GPS Universal Android 10 Car Radio Stereo Automotivo Cassette Optical Output Steering Wheel,Autoradio 1Din 10 «Android 10 Head Unit Car Stereo Radio Central Multimedia Wireless Carplay DVR For Honda CRV CR-V 2016 2012,New Product 11. Some partially useful instructions. Give me the Joying unit every time fitted it myself, plenty of guides and came with the correct loom for my car. https://www. The advantage of Joying and Pumpkin and the Android operating system they run on is the ability to have Torque Pro operating on the head unit itself. 】The headunit car stereo is with standard 2 din universal size (178*100mm) and ISO power cable. 90 22% OFF | Buy Joying Android Car Radio Stereo Receiver 10. I found these features in the sub $300 JOYING Quad Core HD 1024×600 resolution 7» head unit. 5ft)×1 GPS Antenna (16. Maybe you should pick that up and see if it helps. 000: Harga: JOYING Universal Android Car Auto Radio Stereo Head Unit DAB Antenna: Rp1. I found the stereo here, for only $319!: 3) «back » wire offers power for your reverse camera. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 Hi all has anyone put a joying radio in there car and if so how hard was it I have worker out battery, accessories and negative I have also worked out the amp remote as I am wiring it to an amp. com Blogger 500 1 25 tag:blogger. Connecting a 16W output to the factory Fiat amp might Dasaita CB004 Power Cable w/CAN-Bus Adapter for Car Radio Installation Fit for Toyota car from 2012 to 2018 to Support SWC AUX 360 Camera JBL Amplifier Radio Antenna Canbus Decoder Wire Harness $59. Biggest NATO exercise since the Cold War Page 35. Joying official website provide 2021 latest 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB android 10. ATOTO A6Y Pro – Best In-Dash Navigation for the Money [Under $300] 4. 4GHz signal for an antenna. 71 dBi; in addition, antenna efficiencies are 49. After unplugging the antenna cable, follow the path of the antenna cable to the right and cut the zip ties in the four places marked here: The answer is a reduction in gain of the amplifier and, thus, a reduction in potential noise. Joined Mar 10, 2009. Your factory manual should indicate your head unit’s output W and wiring scheme, then a tech can help splice wires to the factory amp’s inputs. Pull this one out and leave «1» as is. #20 · Nov 6, 2016. The Half Square antenna is a wire antenna with two vertical radiators fed in phase. Power question. But Joying radios come with GPS antenna, USB Ports, Bluetooth, Microphone, and Backup Camera(the backup camera needs purchase separately). Offers Crystal Clear Reception Heavy Duty Power Motor Durable Stainless Steel Mast Lifetime Manufacturer Warranty Budget-Friendly Price!   Add a power antenna to your classic Ford today! Get great reception and great looks with our new power antenna. And really appreciate if you can shoot a video to share your installation and use experience of JOYING Android car stereo on YouTube. 0GB (Memory)+64GB (Storage). This is a very High Power hotspot Antenna. 171 Posts. It operates using a WiFi antenna and provides high-quality reception of FM/RDS/AM on its radio. 6GHz Cortex A9 Quad Core RAM: SAMSUNG DDR3 1GB NAND Flash: 16GB Screen Size: 7 Inch High Resolution:1024*600 Power AMP IC: TDA7388 Decoding IC: 8202VGQ The harness connects the HU’s power antenna lead to the [unused, Nissan-style] antenna adapter. Joying just confirmed over chat that they sell a seperate harness for $40 that supports the backup camera and Harman Kardon on their universal units (has to be done by email or chat to arrange). Only 13 left in stock — order soon. Antenna ports mapping to physical antennas. Input 2. From my recollection, the «1» cable is the power cable. 99. The Joying JY-UM135N has a 7-in The antenna issue was a VR on the mainboard was not outputting any voltage. I had to … About Tools Joying Extra . The smaller the beam area Ω A, the larger the directivity D. Best joying single din. For those that are unaware, I have a Navi based Z which makes this type of activity even more difficult. We will supply the coax cable required for this. If your amplifier is set up to produce full power with a 2 volt signal and has a subsequent signal to noise ratio of 85 dB, then it is not unreasonable to expect that the noise would reduce by about 3 dB when we turn the sensitivity down by the same Power cable is needed at the antenna end, to power the 4g router. Did you have to order an adapter for the FM antenna? I’ve seen comments about an adapter and/or a booster in some of the reviews. 0 Head Unit Double Din Touch Screen Radio Auto Car Audio Indash GPS Navigation with Bluetooth WiFi Mirroring at Amazon. Mtk8227 2 Din 8″ Car Autoradio Autostereo Auto Stereo Radiobt For Vw Passat Polo Golf 5 6 Touran Tiguan Seat Skoda , Find Complete Details about Mtk8227 2 Din 8″ Car Autoradio Autostereo Auto Stereo Radiobt For Vw Passat Polo Golf 5 6 Touran Tiguan Seat Skoda,Joying Car Player Android Car Music Player For Vw Android For Vw,8″ Autoradio Gps Navigation Car … Antenna Connector Metra 40-LX11 Connect the antenna side to your head unit, the plastic connector goes into the connector in your dash, snip off the blue wire for 2016 models (see Power antenna note above) GPS Connector Check for an adapter for your specific head unit or just use the GPS antenna your head unit came with. FREE Shipping. Whenever the truck and head-unit are on, the antenna goes up. www. 79-82 Power Antenna — Without CB — 1979 Late. You must be registered for see images attach. then the head unit. 6 inch Single Din 4GB+64GB Octa Core Car Radio with 1920×1080 JOYING 9 Inch Single Din Touch Screen with in Dash Android 10 Car Stereo Multimedia Player Edit to add — I assumed you meant the AM/FM radio. JOYING Official Store has All Kinds of JOYING RCA Video Output Adapter Cbale For Headrest Back Rear Screen Only fit JOYING Android 10 Head Unit,JOYING AHD Car rear camera reversing car backup reverse camera rear view camera angle parking assist,Joying universal multifunctional wireless remote steering wheel controller for Car Radio player GPS navigation … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for JOYING 10. The GPS on this supports both online and offline maps. 101. Android Car Stereo Single Din Car Radio Joying Wiring Cable for Honda Civic Canbus adapter harness for Android head unit €32. you can install a switch to the added amplifiers turn on wire that then connects to the power antenna wire-(amp turn on lead)on the head unit to turn off the speakers you have connected to them but still be able to run the speakers connected to the head unit normally and every thing will turn off when you turn off the head unit. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 1. 8 inch IPS Touch Screen 4GB RAM 64GB ROM 8 Core JOYING Car Stereo Android 10 11. (I’m not sure if this helps because the moment I push the power button in step #3 the full screen appears with icons and everything) 3) Hold the power button for 10 sec, lights flash. What’s in the Box? ISO Harness×1 20 Pin Harness×1 Installation Kit×1 4G Antenna×1 External Microphone (11. 100: Harga: JOYING 9 2 Din Car Android Autoradio Stereo Head Unit KZO: Rp16. I installed a Pioneer AVH-X4800BS in my ’99 LX. There’s 4. 750. 00 — 481. Got an android joying 10. 6B. Amp gone and new wiring harness installed: 3. 1990-2002 Delco WITH Door at Bottom? C. 36 23% OFF | Buy Joying Head Unit Android Car Radio Stereo 10. 4ft)×1 Increased Stent×4 User Manual×1 2. We recommend sealing … 2. Tutorial How to fix weak FM antena signal in android head unit. 0 OS Digital Media Format: Mp3 Digital Media Format: Mp4 Digital Media Format: WMA Digital Media Format: JPEG RAM: 4G Material Type: Metal+ABS TF/Micro SD Slot: 1 Resolution: 1280*720 * The antenna itself is with reinforced functions supplied, high sensitivity, use the MCX port for connecting. 9 The main aim is to draw the least amount of power from the DS5 electircal system while still maintaining high clarity of the signal and reasonable listening volumes and as well take out zero storage space from the car. Android Auto. Offering wireless Carplay/AA, this unit outshines most competitors with it’s performance, display quality, ease of use, and ability to retain steering wheel/information cluster communication. Joying Android Autoradios cannot support the original Car GPS antenna, USB, Original Backup Camera, Bluetooth, and microphone. 1. For the record, in order to make your power antenna work with an aftermarked stereo-. 2) All wiring harness includes power and speaker wires and each is labeled with its specific function. Installation Because the Joying unit is a single-DIN piece of hardware, using the factory mounting brackets can only use one screw location. Install side plates back on new unit and single den. Please note only supports JOYING accessories; DAB+ digital radio adapter, DVR , OBDII scanner, reverse camera, TPMS and steering wheel controller are not included in the contents, but can be ordered additionally. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The Joying has its own built in Bluetooth and has an internal microphone. Then connect the other end to one of the usb ports on the new HU. 23. 2. (SPECIAL OFFER) US $454. Add to Cart. 34 shipping. 99 XK8 / XKR (X100) 1996 — 2005. Also what is the advantage to running the factory GPS antenna over the one that comes with the Joying? Thanks. Details about the DMH-WC6600NEX. 1 or later) compatible using wired or wireless connection. Project build page for W201FTW From the JOYING -> SPDIF cable to a SPDIF converter to Optic Out —> Audison prima bit8. That one worked just fine and was pretty much a plug and play. 0V (RMS) … 2. Works on all head units eonon hui 1. 1 … Dasaita CB047 Power Cable w/ CAN-Bus Adapter Fit for Toyota Corolla RAV4 Camry 4Runner CHR 2019 2020 to Support JBL Amplifier SWC AUX 360 Camera Radio Antenna Canbus Decoder Wire Harness $59. This single DIN 8″ Android compatible display is capable of navigation, gauge displays, online music services, dash cam, backup camera, OBD interface, web browsing, movies, and more. 354. I think I’ll have enough dramas trying to work out the wiring for the head unit lol, so if all else fails I’ll bite the Processing power, Ram and Rom. So I have a Sont XAV-AX5000 head unit in my 1994 Hilux Surf, I want to install a switch to control the power antenna. 4) Just plug your new radio directly into factory-installed wiring harness. Radio app keeps running and antenna stays extended when switching to nav app. A clear picture has not yet emerged as to what SBR would physically look like, Shofner noted. It also uses a 12 pin power plug. You can also conduct calls hands-free while driving using this head unit. 1″ screen with Android 5. If the vehicle’s radio antenna has a blue wire it should be 1. sundog · Registered. 1979-1989 Delco General 78-87 Power Antenna Mast Repair Kit — Except CB ( For Stock Antenna ) Part # 163077. However, I went ahead ordering an Android Joying 10. cookie apron $14. . Still. Not support factory car GPS antenna, back up rear camera, Bluetooth, USB and microphone ect. 23%, respectively. A preferable option is to use a small loop antenna and a preamp. maybe that connector is still used in other markets. The car is finished in Desert Taupe Metallic over Brazil Brown leather and powered by a 5. There can be one for power antenna and one for amp cont(rol). CONT » wire offers power for your radio antenna. A single vertical rod is the standard antenna with a hemishere radiation pattern. Then, the average SNR per receive antenna is [3] γ 1000 , γ SM = (11) m SM Area Power Consumption (Ω) [Watt/km ] 2 900 TAS while the capacity of the SM scheme is [3], [16] 800 (SM) γSM Ξ 700 Cnet = NBS W log2 det Im + , κ = 0. 4. S. Add to cart. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 In this video we show you how to tell if your car needs a amplified Power antenna turn adapter. Fitted a Joying Android unit, with DAB windscreen aerial, GPS antenna, separate mic for Bluetooth phone stuff. 2 db gain (3-5/8 wave) on 70 cm. But there should be a way to 2. * Power antenna will extend when power on from pushing the volume knob (vehicle running with radio app active). I started by making up a wire harness adapter. You can find them on the web pretty cheap. Joying JOYING CAR RADIO INSTALL DASH STEREO WIRE HARNESS PLUG CABLE FOR NISSAN is the bestdifferentat ademeanprice than Cables, Adapters & Sockets. Works great and very durable. The average power density over a sphere is given by. joyingauto. com: Dasaita CB005 Power Cable w/CAN-Bus Adapter for Car Radio Installation Fit for Lexus GX470 & Toyota car from 2006 to 2011 to Support JBL Amplifier Radio Antenna Canbus Decoder Car Stereo Wire Harness : Electronics This was all that was needed to get everything working. Hi, I’m a new guy too, first post, usually I just lurk. Joying 9. 10 22% OFF | Buy Joying Radio 2 Din Android Head Unit 8 Inch Audio For Cars Stereo Receiver Universal Car Multimedia Player Android Auto CarPlay From Seller JOYING Factory Store. 1 λ) on 2200 meters. What’s in the box: The head unit, one GPS antenna, two 4G antennas, a wiring harness, two USB-A extension cables, one factory USB adapter. 1” 1920*1200 Carplay Autoradio Multimedia Player Universal Modulo De Som Automotivo From Seller JOYING Factory Store. EEKEND WORLD. Chat Now. Joying 2 Din Universal Android 8. Jump to Latest Follow 1 — 12 of 12 Posts. Presumably this issue is fix-able though, but haven’t successfully figured it out yet. 66 — 346. This microphone amplifier requires a 5v input, but the Joying JY-UO134N4GS-H 10. 1 1 + γSM ζ −1 Ξ 600 (12) κ=1 where Im is an m × m identity matrix and Ξ = HH† if mt ≥ 500 mr , or Ξ Power antenna kit are made of high quality material, which is waterproof and anti-corrosion structure, complete with cable group and fastening material. Also is it possible to use the existing GPS Antenna and the existing Microphone that’s built in or do you reckon I will have to use the joying ones? The only (very annoying) problem I have with the joying 10in is that when listening to my Top 10 Best Double Din Head Unit with Navigation Reviews 2021. It will also come with an external microphone you can run. 8V FOR CAMERA POWER) Joying — they do sell a FM antenna radio signal booster so they must know of some problems. Please note that it only supports JOYING accessories; DAB+ digital radio adapter, DVR , OBDII scanner, reverse camera, TPMS and steering wheel controller are not included in the delivery contents, but can be ordered additionally. 1A Audio output (analog audio): 2. Also is it possible to use the existing GPS Antenna and the existing Microphone that’s built in or do you reckon I will have to use the joying ones? The only (very annoying) problem I have with the joying 10in is that when listening to my Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for JOYING Latest Android Radio 2GB Quad Core Android 5. 5 out of 5 stars based on 4 product ratings (4) $359. It’s a motor driven antenna which extends/contracts when the head unit is powered on/off. 14-Speaker RF- 7-Speaker RR-GND-обод разьема . Installation instructions for cables on list “C” What do the colors on your wiring harness mean? How do you connect your wiring harness or interface to your stereo? We’ll show you! Full explanation on our b JOYING Official Store has All Kinds of JOYING AHD Car rear camera reversing car backup reverse camera rear view camera angle parking assist,JOYING RCA Video Output Adapter Cbale For Headrest Back Rear Screen Only fit JOYING Android 10 Head Unit,Joying universal multifunctional wireless remote steering wheel controller for Car Radio player GPS navigation Multimedia … As for all of the other connections to your head unit (speakers, power, antenna, ground), it appears you’ll need the 10 pin and 6 pin wiring harness. Lord also noted that a larger con-stellation would require more launch capability, driving costs and risks up. santa fe street, santa ana, ca 92705voice: 714-835-3133 fax: 714-835-3233 BLUE POWER ANTENNA 4 13 LEFT REAR HIGH LEVEL (+) GREEN ORANGE ILLUMINATION/ DIMMER 3 12 RIGHT REAR LOW LEVEL (+) PURPLE/ RED BLUE/WHITE AMP TRIGGER 2 11 RIGHT REAR HIGH LEVEL (+) PURPLE RED IGNITION/ SWITCHED 1 10 BATTERY YELLOW . Note: 1. Take the AX-SUBUSB2 and connect it to the factory USB connector. Plug in the adapter that is provided and the new gps antenna. 1″1280*720P Android 10 Car Radio GPS For Nissan Altima Teana 2013-2017. Using a Metra 70-8112 adapter and the Joined Feb 14, 2015. Dasaita CB047 Power Cable w/ CAN-Bus Adapter Fit for Toyota Corolla RAV4 Camry 4Runner CHR 2019 2020 to Support JBL Amplifier SWC AUX 360 Camera Radio Antenna Canbus Decoder Wire Harness $59. Drive video to external monitors. Find more Automobiles & Motorcycles, Car Electronics and Car Electronics Accessories products. 46 21% OFF | Buy JOYING Android 10. The Comet GP-9M is a 2m/70cm dual band vertical base antenna. Otherwise, your FM radio reception will be degraded. One option to get this 5v input would be to buy a DROK 12v to 5v converter and connect it to the ACC connection. If I’m thinking right, you should ignore that connector, and simply link the blue wire coming out of the Ownice (the one marked ANT) to the yellow/black wire 2. item 7 Power Antenna Radio Replacement Mast Cord Jaguar XJ6 XJ8 XJR XK8 XKR Vanden Plas 7 — Power Antenna Radio Replacement Mast Cord Jaguar XJ6 XJ8 XJR XK8 XKR Vanden Plas. 2nd gen Joying Head Unit Thread. (BIG DISCOUNT) US $518. They said it works with the new model that has 6GB ram + 128GB rom . New radio is a Joying multimedia system. 6) Brake wire no need to be connected. Seicane — has the dash kit so it looks like it is part of the Jeep, software is kind of an unknown, getting mixed responses about microsd card support. 1″ Double Din Android 10 IPS Screen Android Auto Car Play DSP Navi GPS at … JOYING Official Store has All Kinds of Car Accessories 6. Works on all head units eonon hui Some manufacturers call it a power antenna wire. I use it in a motorhome and the screen is bright and clear the voice prompts for navigation are also clear over the audio system. 4. JOYING Android 10. If purchased at the right price. (Android 7. 99 and 3. In reality, a 500 foot long wire is a very short wire (less than 0. 0 Oreo RAM: 4GB ROM: 32GB Processor: PX5 rock chip octa-core Power AMP IC: TDA7388 Radio Chip: TEF6686 Core board Working Voltage: 9V~16V USB Output Voltage / Current: 5. 5 out of 5 stars 17. Dasaita Vivid 10. 13 15% OFF | Buy JOYING Universal Android Car Auto Radio Stereo Head Unit DAB Antenna Digital Audio Broadcasting DAB+ USB Antenna From Vendor JOYING Car DVD Player OEM Store. THE LEAD THAT MAKES THE ANTENNA GO ALL THE WAY UP (blue/red) IS CONNECTED TO THE BLUE ANTENNA WIRE (or to a switched power supply if you want it to go up all the time, not only when the radio is turned on) ON THE HEAD UNIT. #3. St Mate Commercial alsooffers Joying productswhenthe best and cheapest prices for you. Joying wires not used: White, Gray, Green, Purple and /Black negatives — since using RCA pre-amp outputs Pink — Steering Wheel Controls KEY2 Blue — Antenna. Tons of power volume wise and sound is great radio reception is 10x better than the JBL. There may be others, but metra makes one (70-1761). 2 product ratings — NVX XBG3PK 1/0 AWG Big 3 Upgrade Kit w/ 100% OFC Wire for Audio Sytem 350 Amps. It should be noted that some head units have both a remote turn on wire and a power antenna wire. Touting a 9-inch touchscreen with ultra-thin spindles, this system can expand to a 2-terabyte unit. Not support factory car GPS antenna, backup rear camera, Bluetooth, USB and microphone ect. One thing to note: You can hook up the power antenna, but you’ll notice it acts weird. 37. 79-82 Antenna Nut Spanner Wrench — 1979 Late. I don’t want to replace it. 49 New There’s the antenna (motorola style) and GPS connectors along with the standard wiring harness for speakers, power, antenna/external amp, etc. A long wire sometimes works if di-rectly connected to the antenna jack on the transceiver. connect the red to ATOTO ‘WHEEL KEY’ wire and connect the WHITE wire to W201FTW. Black line to negative power supply. The Joying comes with two USB ports, so it doesn’t matter which one you choose, I picked the left one next to the microphone port. C $25. 36 23% OFF | Buy Joying Android Car Radio 1 Din Car Stereo 10. If you are not sure whether the unit can fit your car, please send your car model, year, and dashboard picture to info@joyingauto. 2012 Super Black Crew Cab SV 2WD, Shrockworks bumpers, sliders & skids; Retrax Pro bed cover, Hypertech Max Energy Power Programmer, Yaesu FT-7900R 2m/70cm ham radio, Joying Dual-DIN Android head unit, Katana LED headlamp bulbs, Morimoto & RUN-D LED driving lights, Diode Dynamics LED exterior bulbs Buy JOYING Android 8. NEWSPAPER WITH A DIFFERENCE Processing power, Ram and Rom. DAB channels added but not all in my home location though. 8inch Touchscreen 64gb ROM. Post Reply. We also released the android 8. com/How to install GPS navigation software on quad core 1024*600 android car stereo head unit and set the GPS and music or 2. Product description : *Powerful Android 10. 3-Power Antenna Turn On. 1 inch screen size car stereo,can meet different customer’s request. Joying just sent me a review unit of their new 10. 2When you test this car radio,you can combine the red and yellow wires and connect them to the positive side of the power supply. carjoying. Discussion Starter · #1 · Aug 31, 2016. * Plug and play, USB port power supply for DAB + Box and the terminal Aerial, no additional power cord required. au: Electronics 4,260 Posts. 1999 DeVille D’elegance Joined Aug 9, 2012 · 42 … 3) «back » wire offers power for your reverse camera. 90 22% OFF | Buy Joying 8 Inch Central Multimedia 1Din Universal Android Car Radio GPS Carplay 4GB 64GB Head Unit Android Auto Rear View Camera From Merchant JOYING Factory Store. 32. There is a desire for a large antenna The joying 10-inch screen with single DIN multimedia unit is a joy. 35 Posts. Joying JY UQ124 Android Warranty:1year What is in the box:1 DVD Host, 1 User’s manual, 1 GPS antenna, 1 USB cable, 1 Power Cable, 1 Remote Control, 1 GPS map card, 1 Can-bus box. html. The amp power was on the unit already in the standard blue colour with a female bullet, plugged in headunit side & then attached to the chocolate block in the boot on the factory harness. 1 Double Din Android 8. I have one of their earlier Intel head units in my P38, although I had to install the single din under passenger seat with 1m ribbon to … Buy Joying wiring ISO harness for Honda ACCORD car radio power adaptor power cable radio plug at Aliexpress for US $22. Remove dash starting from the shifter plastics up. monitor Monitors are essential for this installation. If you meant GPS, Joying includes their own GPS Antenna. May 3, 2016. The french doors are already a closed system so no rain water, drain holes, etc to fall with like a normal door. So after you take the key out of the ignition, the head unit goes to sleep for a minute or two before fully shutting off 5) «ANT. Discussion Starter · #1 · 7 mo ago. 26 17% OFF | Buy Joying 8. Yeah, the blue wire is simply a trigger wire for a power antenna (not to be confused with an amplified antenna). 7″ head unit. Shop Quality & Best TV Receiver for Car Directly From China TV Receiver for Car Suppliers. Well the unit arrived and I already installed it. The head unit has WiFi antennas built into it, so yes if you setup your phone as a Hotspot and program the … JOYING 10. Help Global Buyers Source China Easily. Find more Automobiles & Motorcycles, Car Electronics and Car Intelligent System products. Not support factory car GPS antenna, back up rear camera, Bluetooth, USB and microphone ect. Joying Universal Single DIN Android Car Stereo With 8. External high-quality miniature relay, service life more than 50000 times, head force more than 4KG. ) 5) The rest of the cables are for the steering wheel control function. The DC power connector is connected to the 12 volt power lead, just like black is used for grounding leads. The Comet GP-6 High Performance Dual Band Antenna for 144Mhz and 433Mhz, A high performance base antenna using Comet’s SLC-system, (super linear converter) for a low loss, high efficiency antenna. (Non Android) power antenna was operated only when the Radio was used. We plan on installing 2 of the BMKV’s in the rear doors. Antenna also extends when opening radio app. Please note only supports JOYING accessories; DAB+ digital radio adapter, DVR , OBDII scanner, reverse camera, TPMS and steering wheel controller are not included in the contents, but can be ordered additionally. Joying head units can’t support like below: iPod, original car GPS antenna, original car USB, original car reverse camera, original car Bluetooth, and original car Microphone. (FLASH SALE) US $456. The fourth one has an Intel chip, but its kind of an older model at this point and only made by Joying (JY for short) AFAIK. One vertical element (1/4 wave) is fed at the top where it is attached to a SO-239. 4V / 2. 0 car stereo radio,car navigation system,car sound system and other car accessories. The directivity of an antenna is the ratio of the maximum power density P (θ,φ) max to its average value over a sphere as observed in the far field of an antenna. Tesla System. These loops are generally about 2 meters in diameter, and a number of designs can be found 3) «back » wire offers power for your reverse camera. 1Please check the Voltage of car radio : 12V 1. 85 cubes at least after displacement, sealing up, and bracing. eu/AX-ADCh200 Data Interface HarnessChrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Mitsubishi 2004-upKey Features:• Provides accessory The Half Square antenna is a great wire antenna for the DX edge. 395 Posts. $10 https://www. Head Unit Size: Double Din. $169. Boss BVNV9384RC – The Best Double Din Head Unit with Navigation and Backup Camera. The monitor of this connection has tails. Everything works though it was a little slow getting set up for GPS navigation and hands-free driving. This power antenna offers crystal clear reception at an affordable price. Coming with everything you need to install the setup (GPS antenna, power cord, USB cables, and instructions), you can pop it into place quickly. Suitable for long -term operation. It’s important to use the right wire for your amplifier and other electronic equipment. 1 4GB + 64GB Car Stereo Built-in DSP LCD Touchscreen with 4G SIM Card Slot & 1280×720P Reslution — Supprot Android Auto DSP SPDIF Fast Boot WiFi OBD2 DVR: Amazon. I also installed a Joying front dash camera and a generic reverse camera. Pioneer AVIC-W8500NEX – Editor’s Pick. MITSUBISHI RH — 9413 Special Price Monosaudio P902 99. Yes I know the Android radio is a software compared to the Kenwood unit. Stock canned foods, dry This 1987 Mercedes-Benz 560SL was first sold at Dowd Imports in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and remained in the same family until 2017, and it sold on BaT in 2018 before the seller’s acquisition on BaT in March 2019 and now shows under 29k miles. upto 64 GB external. The radio reception it’s a little weak (maybe the power antenna cable it’s not making a good connection). 4 and 5. $369. Rep Power: 6718. Read honest and … JOYING Tire Pressure Monitoring System External Sensor fr Android Car Stereo. Our tools consisted of two pickaxes, two crow- bars, a silken rope ladder, three iron-shod Alpine stocks, a hatchet, a hammer, a dozen wedges, some pointed pieces of iron, and a quantity of strong rope. 0 System Universal Single Din 8. The Weekend World Newspaper by ClearVision Marketing — issuu. ” The house is in a valley surrounded by trees. 5-liter V8 mated to a four-speed … This comes with a signal wire that runs from the amp to the back of the head unit, a fuse, a power wire that will run to your battery, and audio wires that will run from the back of the aftermarket amp to the back of the head unit It should also come with a ground wire, but if it doesn’t you can use a piece of the heavy gauge wire the kit comes 2. I happen to have 2 78-early79 power antennas in my posession. com, then we will help you confirm. What’s discription above is right ? I have searched some antenna specification in network , but many papers. Post thread. Doesn’t support factory car GPS antenna, back up rear camera, Bluetooth, USB and microphone ect. Both work fine 2 — I switched to the Malaysk ROM from XDA, which has multiple launchers to choose from. 13-Speaker LF-6-Speaker RF+. I needed to tag a 12v amp signal using the 5m extension which had a bullet for antenna power (ones that extend out the body, which I don’t have). (Universal ISO Wire Harness Female Adapter Connector Cable for Car Stereo System. Free shipping to most countries and 2 years warranty for each customer. 00. antenna. 6 Inch Autoradio 1 Din Android 10 Car Radio Stereo … Joying big discount universal android 8. Get it Wed, Jan 5 — Mon, Jan 10. AppRadioLIVE simplifies your drive by combining the information you need during your commute into a single, simple to use interface, … 2012 Super Black Crew Cab SV 2WD, Shrockworks bumpers, sliders & skids; Retrax Pro bed cover, Hypertech Max Energy Power Programmer, Yaesu FT-7900R 2m/70cm ham radio, Joying Dual-DIN Android head unit, Katana LED headlamp bulbs, Morimoto & RUN-D LED driving lights, Diode Dynamics LED exterior bulbs 9inch 10inch android 2 din 8core IPS QLED panel multimedia voitures joying car stereo gps Navigation navigator with BT5. It had an additional GPS antenna, although I just stuck it to the top of the unit and shoved it all in the dash. Matches DSP sound effect processing chip with TDA7851 power amplifier output chip, and supports SPDIF digital audio output. So far the unit has been well worth the Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for JOYING 7 Car Stereo 2GB 32GB Android 5. 95 $ 15. 4GHz resonance frequency for operation. 00 / Unit 1. So I took the advise of some on here, and scrapped my tablet install project due to more and more issues coming up. Got the fascia also and fits like a queen! Tutorial How to fix weak FM antena signal in android head unit. Heavy duty power motors and stainless … Brand Name: JOYING Origin: CN(Origin) Din: One Din Certification: NONE Display Size: 8″ Out Power: 50W*4 Max External Memory: 128G Operating System: Android 10. — A2DP (Bluetooth Stereo Music): Yes, can play stereo music through Bluetooth. 9998% pure Copper Schuko Power Cable HIFI Extension EMC Shield Power wire EUR version AC Mains Power cord andersondinna October 07, 2021 US $102 Original Price : US $- (15%) Best Price … 08 Escalade ESV awd, 05 Yukon Xl Denali awd, 06 SRX sold. 2 out of 5 stars 1,828 2. *CPU:UIS7862 Eight-Core 1. Larsen — & Counterpoise. 0V to pin #9. This, in turn, has Android Car Stereo Single Din Car Radio Joying Wiring Cable for Honda Civic Canbus adapter harness for Android head unit €32. After a week of use I can say the sound quality isn’t stellar but it isn’t bad, I would say its on pair with the oem head unit that came with the car. • As shown in the physical layer below, antenna ports are logical ports which lies before and after precoding module. 1 Car Stereo for Jeep Wrangler JK Dodge Ram Challenger Single Din Touch Screen Head Unit Without DVD Player at Amazon. Omni-directional stereo surround sound brings higher-order surround stereo hearing experience. Android 8 O – the new operating system from Google that will make your smartphone and tablet to work in new ways. A write up of my installation of a Joying 9. 8″IPS Octa Core RDS FM Support Carplay&Android Auto&4G Universal Multimedia Video Player From Vendor JOYING Car DVD Player OEM Store. GIBRALTAR. 4-Dash Light Dimmer Wire + 12-Dash Light Dimmer Wire . 99 3) Octa Core — A57 chipset (PX5, CPU: RX3368) — 2 GB RAM — 32 GB Flash -. Discussion in ‘2nd Gen. • Number of layers in the physical layer is less than or equal to number of antenna ports. com or support@joyingauto. Joying pointed it out to me and I verified with a multimeter. You’ll need to get a stalker adapter to make it work in our cars. 1 — able to update Android 6. But Joying radios come with GPS antenna, USB Ports, Bluetooth, Microphone, and Backup Camera(the backup camera needs purchase separately. 4) «ACC» «BATT» «GND » wire is important on powering the head unit. Joying official website provide 2020 latest 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB android 10. I have a Pioneer unit right now and its irritating AF that I have to pay to use the online search function in the AVIC app on my phone. #12 · Jun 27, 2005. (BIG DEAL) US $525. It looks like they’re in a safe place, and remove your Joying head-unit from it’s packaging. Need extra antena strengh adapter. 18 36% Off Ownice C180 OL-7295B Leitor de DVD Navegação GPS Audio 2 DIN 2G RAM 1024X600 Quatro Core WiFi Canbus 2. 5 GHz band are 1. DC signal input for an antenna , and it gets 2. com. I’d like to be able … This joying was literally plug and play and it works great. The signal wire is now all in place, so next step is to attach the Aeropro adaptor. 8inch Android10 Car Radio For Toyota Corolla 2014 2015 2016 GPS DSP Carplay 5G WIFI Optical Output Subwoofer SPDIF From Vendor JOYING Factory Store. Draws power from the car’s cigarette lighter or any usb port in your car. FredoV8 said: Hello guys! I’m in trouble, i’m trying to install an aftermarket radio on my 2007 escalade. C $126. • The figure-2 depicts mapping between antenna ports and physical antennas. Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return. 2 inch for Honda Accord 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Car Android Stereo Apple Carplay Android Auto 1280*720 GPS Brand Name: JOYING Origin: CN(Origin) Din: One Din Certification: NONE Display Size: 8″ Out Power: 50W*4 Max External Memory: 128G Operating System: Android 10. Doesn’t support factory car GPS antenna, back up rear camera, Bluetooth, USB and microphone ect. 1,862 Posts. Displaying 1 — 20 of 20. When I turn the head unit on, the amp turns on and the antenna goes up. Discussion Starter · #13 · 10 mo ago. The RCA end will connect to the corresponding RCA connector on the Joying harness, and the wiring connector will attach to the corresponding wires from the car. Android 4. I bought an adapter from Amazon to reuse the existing Jeep GPS Antenna,but my brother in law used the Joying one. Its cuz the antenna is up any time the unit is on, even when it is sleeping. This is a near perfect fit for the opening on a third gen Tacoma. 5 plug for SWC, you will need to cut the plug and expose the two wires (one is red and the other is white), cut down the silver shiled srounding these two wires, it is not needed. There is also a purple wire on the adaptor that needs a power source. Probably a defective part. 3Replace the same type of insurance to test the If the stray RF is finding its way into the head unit from the external antenna, though, I don’t think there will be any solution other than using the lowest possible output power on your radios or not using them at all. 1. Bingfu 75 Ohm FM Antenna FM Antenna and AM Loop Antenna for Pioneer Onkyo Yamaha Marantz Indoor HD Radio FM Radio Bluetooth Home Stereo Receiver AV Audio Video Home Theater Receiver Power 4. 400: Harga: JOYING … Bingfu 75 Ohm FM Antenna FM Antenna and AM Loop Antenna for Pioneer Onkyo Yamaha Marantz Indoor HD Radio FM Radio Bluetooth Home Stereo Receiver AV Audio Video Home Theater Receiver Power 4. 0 Oreo 4GB octa core double din head unit which support android auto and Zlink. Cables for adding or replacing factory amplifier. Futsal shoes is one of the most important tool to perform 100%. ) I run AA on a chinese headunit (Andream) for my BMW. Toyota Land Cruiser 100-Series Power Antenna Aerial AM FM Radio Replacement Mast Or OEM part is 86337-60150 ~$50. (SPECIAL PRICE) US $432. I took an RCA, cut and added pins to the leads and added them to the 20 pin connector. On all of the Subaru models for which these HUs are intended, that signal must go from the new HU to pin #9 on the 20-pin connector. 2 android 4. The small plug is the signal in for the amplifier. 473 Posts. Then the antenna has director rods in front and a reflector rod or dish at its rear. Joying says clicking the steering wheel «Nav» button minimizes it, but I don’t have a nav button and can’t create one because I can’t figure-out how to remap the steering wheel controls. 1990-2002 Delco WITHOUT Door at Bottom? B. It does have a remote turn on wire. Reconnecting the cables into the Joying head-unit There are two main cables that must be connected to the Joying head-unit — the large main power and speaker cable, and the radio antenna. Sirius XM. 1″ radio for my R/T 2013. * AHD reverse Joying model SKU JY-UO135P4 (4GB RAM version) 1024×600 resolution 8 core CPU It takes approximately 15 seconds to cold boot the radio, however, you’re unlikely to see this because the moment you attach the car battery terminals, the radio will secretly power up and wait in standby mode. I’m installing a new android head unit from joying so I’ll take it out completely and get it on the bench. I am thinking about pulling the trigger on this radio tonight. HYUNDAI ATOS, SONATA 1- 12 VOLT IGNITION WIRE 11-Speaker RF 2-GND 12-Speaker RF- 3- 12 VOLT BATTERY WIRE 13-Speaker LF 4-Dash Light Dimmer Wire 14-Speaker LF- 5-Power Antenna Turn On 15-Speaker LR 9-Speaker RR 16-Speaker LR- 10-Speaker RR- — HYUNDAI H510JE 1-Power Antenna Turn On 8 Amazon. Power antenna switch. 8GHz@4. But regardless of the label all it does is output a positive 12 volts when the head unit is turned on. If you’re fine with this power received by antenna A simple antenna radiates or receives in a sphere shape. com/car-accessories/other-car-accessories/12v-ant-208-car-automobile-fm-antenna-radio-signal-booster-amplifier-amp-ea. Discussion and General Information on the Jaguar XK8 / XKR (X100) all models, including Limited Editions in … It may make more sense when you’re doing the install but basically the joying harness has 2 wires labelled key 1 and key 2 – these normally connect directly to 1 wire each in your factory harness, but for the VZ you need to connect key 1 to 1 wire, and key 2 to 2 wires (being the 2nd wire from the wheel plus one going to ground). Remove the small amp that is behind the head unit. Not even available for WRX’s so lets ignore that. 0 or later) using USB and CarPlay (iOS 10. On a side note, using the Pioneer speaker outputs to the factory amp doesn’t cause any issues. Further installation details down below. Head Unit Size: Single Din. While I had the «universal» adapter that I purchased from JOYING, after closer inspection I could not find a connector that had the necessary plugs for the system, thus needing the Metra. 0. 0 OS Digital Media Format: Mp3 Digital Media Format: Mp4 Digital Media Format: WMA Digital Media Format: JPEG RAM: 4G Material Type: Metal+ABS TF/Micro SD Slot: 1 Resolution: 1280*720 Got it. DAB Antenna Car and Truck Antennas, 7digital. 1” 1920*1200 Carplay Autoradio Multimedia Player Universal 4G Modulo Som Automotivo From Seller JOYING Factory Store. 0 or later) using USB cabel and CarPlay (iOS 10. 0 4GB + 32GB Double Din Car Stereo, Add JOY for Your Car with JOYING, Add to Cart! SPECIFICATION OS: Android 8. 0 System. 1 9» IPS HD Screen Car DVD Radio GPS Multimedia Player for Honda CRV CR-V 2007 to 2011 with Octa Core 2GB+32GB at Aliexpress for US $326. Discussion Starter · #1 · Apr 28, 2019. 1 1. Stainless steel antenna pole (BIG OFFER) US $454. What’s in the Box? ISO Harness×1 20 Pin Harness×1 4G Antenna×2 USB Cable×2 External Microphone … Buy Joying 9inch Android10 Car Radio for Honda CRV 2017-2019 GPS Carplay DSP SPDIF Subwoofer 5GWiFi Optical Output DAB DVR Bluetooth at Aliexpress for US $434. Joying are amongst the better Chinese stereos, but if you listen to FM, make sure the existing antenna amplifier still gets 12V power. 11-+12 VOLT BATTERY WIRE . The woofers are bridged to ch 1/2 and 3/4 top 10 hyundai car radio cable ideas and get free shipping. The nice thing about this unit is that has pre-amp outs for all four speakers in addition to a set for an incoming signal (RCA in L&R), video in and video out (for headrest video), and a mono sub RCA (a 2. If you have a toyota get the connector for their dual diversity antenna system cost just a few $ on ebay. The other is a slightly used NOS (Vette was … 5) «ANT. 3. 1” head unit doesn’t have a connection on the wiring harness that can supply a 5v power source. It started raising and lowering the antenna continually, even when the radio was off. 2″Android 10 4GB 64GB Autoradio Single 1 Din Car Radio Stereo Universal Multimedia Player Carplay Optical Out,Central Multimidia 1 Din TV Digital GPS Universal Android 10 Car Radio Stereo Automotivo Cassette Optical Output Steering Wheel,Autoradio 1Din 10 «Android 10 Head Unit Car Stereo Radio Central Multimedia … Connect the Metra 40-LX11 antenna connector to the factory antenna connector. blue — power antenna pink — vehicle speed wiring diagram wires from vehicle step 2 factory radio harness step 3 obdii connector see radio wire reference chart for radio wire colors data cable audio cable connect to aftermarket radio blue (nc) green white white red black (nc) * read note in installation instructions section white white/black gray For starters, it is designed for Honda Civics made between 2016 and 2019. 1 pre-installed. Buy Joying wiring ISO harness for Honda Fit car radio power adaptor power cable radio plug at Aliexpress for US $51. If you car has factory amplifier, you need to buy amplifier adapter or bypass the amplifier General: Brand: JOYING Specific car models: Double Din OS: Android 5. Antenna stays extended when using home button instead of back button to switch to another non-audio player app. Start Order. Issue 03 July 16 — 29, 2015. I think this is the first of this style and kind to do in our vehicles. Where I have found 4G receiption is on a hill about 50m from the house that goes to open field and is picking up a signal from a tower 5km away. Ground under the antenna stops radiation below and most antannas stop radiation above. f) match power Antenna adapter wire with your Metra or Scosche wire g) TRICKY: for the PAC 3. 95. However, the next day Joying said they would ship me their 10 inch unit. TO BACK UP CAMERA(11 RED+, 12 GRAY-, 13 BLACK 6. Joying 9inch Android10 Car Radio for Toyota Prius 2009-2013 Left Drive GPS DSP SPDIF Subwoofer Carplay 5GWIFI Optical Output DAB. 06 23% OFF | Buy Joying 8 Inch Central Multimedia 1Din Universal Android Car Radio GPS Carplay 4GB 64GB Head Unit Android Auto Rear View Camera From Merchant JOYING Factory Store. Tacomas (2005-2015)’ started by Ben95, Feb 7, 2021. Camera power wire harness This includes a DC power connector, which is the power cord. Carxtc Stereo Amplified Antenna Harness Adapter for Installing a New Car Radio w/Antenna Power Lead (See Fitment Above) 4. Head Unit Reloaded (Tablet, Joying, etc. 2012 Super Black Crew Cab SV 2WD, Shrockworks bumpers, sliders & skids; Retrax Pro bed cover, Hypertech Max Energy Power Programmer, Yaesu FT-7900R 2m/70cm ham radio, Joying Dual-DIN Android head unit, Katana LED headlamp bulbs, Morimoto & RUN-D LED driving lights, Diode Dynamics LED exterior bulbs Drives: 09 Nissan 370Z GM M6. Pull the radio out and unplug it by releasing the tabs under the sockets. No need for a tower, rotor, and beam to get rare DX or be competitive. say that input DC (like 12V DC) power to the antenna . The analogue aerial is connected via a FAKRA connector adapter and … The blue/white wire labeled ‘AMP-CON’ should be the 12V switched power remote wire for an external AMP I think this is a pretty standard color but sometimes is brown on stereo head unit wiring harnesses. Dasaita CB019 Car Stereo Canbus Decorder with Power US $35. The higher all these are, then the more responsive the unit will be. Done. 2) Wait for a minute or so after the screen goes black, just to make sure it’s powered down. There are 2 things you’ll need for your 04: An antenna power injector as blacktree noted, and a harness to get switched power and illumination to your new radio. Joying Android 9. Also, the HU must supply no less than 12. 1 inch HD Touch Screen for Jeep Wrangler. Looks great and I love the technie-ness, but there are a couple issues that I’m having: 1) Bluetooth does not connect at all — I’ve tried everything—multiple phones etc. 5-Speaker LF+. Dash mounting fixture for installing a Joying JY-UL128N2 Android head unit in a Miata NA (1990). Works great. The antennas backplane is equipped with dual N Type Female Connectors. Note: Please be cautious and check with your supplier if this product is for virus protection purposes and if the coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect your order. AppRadioLIVE. W. Hi all, I have this Joying radio that I finally had installed in my 2014 JK Sport after about a year or so of it sitting in my garage. Pull the dash surround off, it is held in by clips. Compact dual-band planar inverted-e-shaped antenna … For example : antenna operation for 2. Been working great for months now. 4GHz band. This is connected to both the factory Nak amp and power antenna. We have released the android 8. With two kinds of holders, easy to fit on dashboard or air outlet. 33 and 55. Buy Joy China Direct From Joy Factories at Alibaba. Yesterday evening I got the JOYING unit installed after getting the Metra 70-8112 adapter. 4) Connect the cables for the speakers, power and radio antenna. Part # 163100. The function has been built-in the head unit. 66. Buy Special wiring harness for Toyota HILUX ISO harness car radio power adaptor power cable radio plug at Aliexpress for US $46. 000: Harga: Anti Gores Premium Head Unit Android JOYING Universal 9 inch: Rp195. Shop Quality & Best Car Multimedia Player Directly From China Car Multimedia Player Suppliers. Was: C $145. This is a double DIN, quad core android device with an internal Amp and radio tuner, along with a good number of inputs and outputs. blue power antenna 4 13 left rear high level (+) green orange illumination/ dimmer 3 12 right rear low level (+) purple/ red blue/white amp trigger 2 11 right rear high level (+) purple red ignition/ switched 1 10 battery yellow . power, but more would be needed for full coverage because of shorter “dwell time” over a target. pacific accessory corporation – 1502 s. Do I need to use the antenna amp cable and what cable can I ignore when installing thanks Phil. 1 android oreo operating system and the latest specs. Above experimental results indicate that the maximum antenna power gains at 2. (SUPER DEAL) US $518. So I have two different 10 inch units coming. View and browse thewideselection of products for the Cables, Adapters & Sockets category that wegiveat St … The High Beam X2 Wide Band 700-2700MHz HIGH POWER 15dBi 2x MIMO Cellular 5G 4G LTE Directional Antenna is compatible with the vast majority of carrier bands and frequencies, making it suitable for most 5G / 4G / LTE applications. How Do I Install a GM DELCO Power Mast & Cable? A. It is a dimensionless ratio ≥ 1. GND Key1, Key2 Basically, the headunit produces 5V from Key 1 or 2 then when grounding it makes the loop so that when you press a button on your steering wheel, then the headunit detects the approprate I believe the cable marked «2» (the furry one) is the antenna wire. $15. The blue wire labeled ‘ANT’ should the 12V switched power remote wire for an external antenna I don’t think connecting them sounds advisable. joying power antenna

Navitel RE 5 DUAL — это GPS-навигатор и видеорегистратор в одном флаконе

Компания Навител представляет новое многофункциональное устройство – Навител РЭ 5 ДУАЛ. Это комбинация GPS-навигации и автомобильного видеорегистратора. Обе функции можно использовать одновременно в гибридном режиме.

В качестве автомобильной камеры Navitel RE 5 DUAL записывает видео в качестве Full HD 1920×1080 В 30 кадров в секунду . Производитель обещает высокое качество изображения и ночью, благодаря оптическому датчику GC2053 с поддержкой ночного видения.Угол зрения объектива 140° .

Все записи можно просматривать на 5-дюймовом (480 x 272) сенсорном ЖК-дисплее TFT. Также имеется порт для задней камеры, позволяющий подключить дополнительную веб-камеру для записи изображения позади автомобиля.

Вид: Рекордер Mio MiVue 886 будет записывать видео 4K, также есть режимы HDR и 120 кадров в секунду

Этот же дисплей можно использовать для навигации. В гибридном режиме на изображение камеры накладываются направления относительно выбранного маршрута. Вы также можете полностью переключиться на полный вид карты с улицами, POI и выбранным маршрутом.

Память Navitel RE 5 DUAL составляет навигационных карт 47 стран Европы , а также таких стран, как Беларусь, Казахстан, Россия и Украина. Карты других стран можно приобрести и установить с помощью Центра обновлений Навител Навигатор. Производитель обещает бесплатных обновлений карты.

Водитель также получает доступ к базам данных камер контроля скорости, дорожных предупреждений и выбор одного из трех альтернативных маршрутов.Хотя Bluetooth в Навител РЭ 5 ДУАЛ нет, встроенный FM-передатчик пригодится, что упрощает использование голосовых подсказок через автомагнитолу.

Navitel RE 5 DUAL является преемником модели RE900, которая дебютировала на рынке менее 4 лет назад и имела огромный успех. От своего предшественника он отличается, среди прочего, оптическим датчиком камеры, который теперь также поддерживает ночное видение, или возможностью подключения дополнительной камеры сзади автомобиля. Остается вопрос — зачем покупать два отдельных устройства, если можно выбрать одно?

– говорит Тобиас Янковски, генеральный директор Navitel EUROPE.

Навител РЭ 5 ДУАЛ работает под управлением операционной системы Linux. Его сердце MSB2531A процессор с тактовой частотой 800 МГц. Устройство также оснащено 8 ГБ встроенной памяти и двумя слотами для карт microSD емкостью 32 ГБ. Магнитный держатель обеспечивает устойчивую поддержку аксессуара во время движения.

В комплекте, кроме самого устройства, находятся: автомобильный держатель , автомобильное зарядное устройство 12/24 В, кабель mini USB – USB, стилус, руководство пользователя, гарантийный талон.

Navitel RE 5 DUAL доступен в версиях Media Expert и Allegro. Рекомендованная цена – 599 злотых.

Смотри: Navitel RS2 Duo — ведь две камеры лучше, чем одна

Вид: Navitel R450 NV – видеорегистратор с суперконденсатором

Источник фото: НАВИТЕЛ

Использование API записи MediaStream — веб-API

API записи MediaStream упрощает запись аудио- и/или видеопотоков. При использовании с navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() он обеспечивает простой способ записи с устройств ввода пользователя и мгновенное использование результата в веб-приложениях.

Аудио и видео могут быть записаны как вместе, так и по отдельности. Эта статья призвана предоставить базовое руководство по использованию интерфейса MediaRecorder, который предоставляет этот API.

Чтобы продемонстрировать базовое использование API MediaRecorder, мы создали веб-диктофон. Это позволяет записывать фрагменты аудио, а затем воспроизводить их.Он даже дает вам визуализацию звукового входа вашего устройства, используя API веб-аудио. В этой статье мы сосредоточимся на функциях записи и воспроизведения.

Вы можете посмотреть эту демонстрацию в реальном времени или получить исходный код на GitHub.

HTML в этом приложении довольно прост, поэтому мы не будем его здесь рассматривать; Однако стоит упомянуть еще пару немного более интересных элементов CSS, поэтому мы обсудим их ниже. Если вы не интересуетесь CSS и хотите сразу перейти к JavaScript, перейдите к разделу «Базовая настройка приложения».

Ограничение интерфейса областью просмотра, независимо от высоты устройства, с помощью calc() но вскоре начинает заставлять вас думать: «Вау, почему у нас не было этого раньше? Почему макет CSS2 был таким неудобным?» Это позволяет вам выполнить расчет для определения вычисленного значения единицы CSS, смешивая различные единицы в процессе.

Например, в веб-диктофоне у нас есть три основные области пользовательского интерфейса, расположенные вертикально.Мы хотели задать первым двум (заголовку и элементам управления) фиксированную высоту:

  заголовок {
  высота: 70 пикселей;

.main-controls {
  прокладка-дно: 0,7 бэр;
  высота: 170 пикселей;

Однако мы хотели, чтобы третья область (которая содержит записанные сэмплы, которые вы можете воспроизвести) занимала все оставшееся место, независимо от высоты устройства. Flexbox мог бы быть ответом здесь, но он немного излишен для такого простого макета. Вместо этого проблема была решена путем создания высоты третьего контейнера равной 100% от высоты родителя за вычетом высоты и заполнения двух других:

  .звуковые клипы {
  box-shadow: вставка 0 3px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0,7);
  цвет фона: rgba (0,0,0,0,1);
  высота: расчет(100% - 240px - 0.7rem);
  переполнение: прокрутка;

Примечание: calc() хорошо поддерживается и в современных браузерах, даже начиная с Internet Explorer 9.

Взлом флажка для показа/скрытия

Это уже довольно хорошо задокументировано, но мы решили упомянуть о взломе флажка, который злоупотребляет тем фактом, что вы можете щелкнуть флажка для переключения это проверено/не проверено.В веб-диктофоне это включает информационный экран, который отображается/скрывается при нажатии на значок вопросительного знака в правом верхнем углу. Прежде всего, мы стилизуем так, как мы хотим, убедившись, что у него достаточно z-индекса, чтобы он всегда располагался над другими элементами и, следовательно, был доступен для фокусировки/кликабельности:

  этикетка {
    семейство шрифтов: «NotoColorEmoji»;
    размер шрифта: 3rem;
    положение: абсолютное;
    верх: 2px;
    справа: 3 пикселя;
    z-индекс: 5;
    курсор: указатель;

Затем мы скрываем сам флажок, потому что мы не хотим, чтобы он загромождал наш пользовательский интерфейс:

  ввод [тип = флажок] {
   положение: абсолютное;
   сверху: -100px;

Затем мы стилизуем информационный экран (обернутый в элемент

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